Общая | Сентябрь 22, 2012,20:04
1. Напишите о вчерешнем дне, измениы соответствующим образом данные предложения.
Образец: We are at school yesterday. - We weren't at school yesterday. She isn't late today. - She was late yesterday.
1. His parents are at home today. 2. The book isn't boring. 3. It is rainy today. 4. I am late today. 5. We are not busy today.
2. Подчеркни правильную форму глагола.
1. Who was/were at home yesterday? 2. Where was/were they yesterday? 3. What was/were the book like? 4. Who was/were you with?
3. Дополни предложения правильной формой конструкции There was/There were.
1. _____ many people in the park.(-) 2. ____ a football match on TV. (?) 3.____ any books on the table (-). 4.____ some boys in the classroom (+) 5. _____ a TV in the bedroom(?) 6.______ an apple in my bag.(+)
4.Допиши вопросы глаголами was или were.
1______ a cat in the room? 2. ____ comedies on TV? 3. ______ doctors in the room? 4. _____ tea expensive? 5 . _____ it sunny ?
5.Заполни пропуски предлогами on, at, in _____ March, ____ 3 o'clock, _____ Friday, ___ Sunday morning.