Общая | Апрель 13, 2011,18:53
Как начать разговор: Excuse me, is anyone sitting here? Is this seat taken? Excuse me, could you tell me the time? Have you been here before? I'm new here. Excuse me, haven't we met before? Peter is that you? We have't seen each other for... . Lovely day, isn't it? Dreadful weather, isn't it?
Как закончить разговор: Well, it's been nice talking to you. OK see you on Sunday. I'm sorry, I must be going. Bye,bye, take care.
Как попросить объяснить или повторить что-либо: Could you repeat that, please? Sorry, I didn't catch what you said. Could you say it again, please? I'm not sure if I understand. Could you explain that, please? I don't quite see what you mean. What do you mean by "funny'? What does "file'' mean exactly? Could you spell your name, please? Could you give an example?
Как выразить неуверенность: Well, ... (I'm not quite sure...); You see,... ; Actually,.../ In fact,...; What I mean is...; The point is....;Let me think,...; How shall I put it? Frankly speaking,....
Как вежливо вступить в разговор:By the way,...;That reminds me...;Excuse me, I'd just like to say that....; May I come in here? May I say something? That's right, but don't you think that....
Как запросить информацию:Could you tell me where I can find a phone box? Excuse me, don't you know what this machine is for? I wonder if you could help me.When does the evening performance end? Excuse me, What size is this jacket? Does this bus go to Victoria Station? Do you know where I can cash some traveller's cheques? Where could I try this jacket on?
Как сообщить информацию:Sure.It's just round the corner.I'm afraid I don't know.Try the information Centre.Ask the man over there -he'll help you.Well, let me think...
Как дать отказ предоставить информацию:I have no idea. I'm afraid. I've never used it myself. I'm sorry, I really don't know.I don't live in this area.I can't tell you, i'm afraid.I'm a tourist myself. I'm afraid I cant help you. I don't work here.
Как просить совет: I'd like to.... Can you recommend ...? I have to buy a gift for.... Could you give me some advice? What would you do if you were in my position? Excuse me, which bus should I take to the city centre? Do you have any idear what I could do?
Как давать советы:You'd better not drinkso much coffee.Why don't you look for a job? If I were you,I'd.... I think you could talk to him once more. I don't think you should.....
Как начать телефонный разговор: Hello,Mary Smith speaking.Can I speak to John, please? I'd like to speak to Peter, please.Jackson Publishing.Can I help you?
Как попросить оставаться на линии:Hang on,I'llsee if she's in. Just a minute,I'll connect you.Hold on a sec. I'll put you through. Hold on please.Hold on while I find a pen.
Как сообщить, что позвать кого-л. к телефону невозможно: He's out , I'm afraid. I'm afraid he's not availiable at the moment.Can you call back this afternoon? He'll call you back as soon as he comes in.
Как оставить сообщение:Could I leave a message? Do you think you could take a message? Would you like to leave a message? Can I take a message?
Общая | Апрель 13, 2011,00:46
Если вы не поняли слов экзаменатора: попросите повторить (i'm sorry, could/would you repeat that,please? Could you say that again,please? In the...?;попросите прокомментировать или уточнитьвопрос/утверждение(I'm sorry,I don't understand.I'm sorry, I don't quite see what you mean.Sorry, I don't quite catch what you are saying); повторите вопрос или часть вопроса для уточнения понимания(Did you say...? At the post office? Thirty or forty? Would you like to know...? Are you asking about...? Should I describe...? Do you want me to comment on...?
Если у вас нет готового ответа и вам необходимо собраться с мыслями:повторите вопрос экзаменатора(Does nuclear energy cause pollution? Do I enjoy fancy dress parties?); перефразируйте вопрос экзаменатора(You mean what does Greenpeace do to improve our Living conditions? What do I think about disarmament?);используйте фразы и выражения, которые дают время на раздумье(Mmm...,Er...,Well...,You know...,Actually...,You see....,In fact...,Honestly..., The thing is...,How shall I put it...,As far as I concerned...,It's difficult to say...,That's a very interesting/difficult question...,I'm not quite sure but I believe /think...); сошлитесь на личный опыт или мнение других людей(Well , I haven't thought about it too much but my father says... I'm not familiar with nuclear energy,but my friend....)
Если вы не знаете или не помните слово: Замените его другим , с близким или более общим значением(meat/lamb;pen/biro;car/van;optimistic/cheerful);вместо слова используйте определение или описание предмета или лица (the thing you put your head on when you go to sleep /pillow/;the person people go to to have their hair cut/hairdresser/)