Общая | 2011
Если вы не поняли слов экзаменатора: попросите повторить (i'm sorry, could/would you repeat that,please? Could you say that again,please? In the...?;попросите прокомментировать или уточнитьвопрос/утверждение(I'm sorry,I don't understand.I'm sorry, I don't quite see what you mean.Sorry, I don't...
Общая | 2011
1.The match attracted 40000 of spectators.2. The new soap opera was enjoyed by the viewers.3. He won his first golf tournament while he was still an amateur.4. I've been playing sport all my life.5. The mathch finished in a draw. 6. His paintings have no equal.7. His competitor failed to take...
Общая | 2011
Задания по данной теме можно найти в альбоме "Общие" в разделе Reading "Hobbies, sport and games".
Общая | 2011
Задание по данной теме можно найти в альбоме "Общие"
Общая | 2011
1.A voyage from England to India used to take six months.2.We are going on a journey across Europe.3. Did you like the trip to Disneyland last year.4. We went by bus.It's the cheapest means of travelling. 5. Our tour includes an excursion to the Niagara Falls.6. We would like a room with a...
Общая | 2011
Use the words to complete the sentences below : journey, trip,voyage, travel agent, brochure, destination, resort, check in, departure lounge, steward or stewardess . 1. The ........ asked us all to put on our seat belts for landing. 2. I'll bring a ......... home and we can decide if...
Общая | 2011
These sentences come from a discriptuon of a holiday resort from a travel brochure. the writer is trying to make the resort sound good, but what might his description really mean? Match the sentences. 1.Alifuenta is a popular resort which is stilll developing. 2. A convenient bus runs...
Общая | 2011
Задание по данной теме находится в альбоме Topic vocabulary "Travel and transport", который находится в альбоме "Общие "